Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University
is located in
Hyderabad. It is a ugc recognised state university.
Following courses are offered
under different schools
of Fine Arts
(Department of Music)
M.A.Karnatic Music (Vocal,
Mridangam and Veena)
M.A. Kuchipudi Nrityam
Kalapravesika Kuchipudi Nrityam
Diploma in Yakshaganam
(Department of Folk Arts)
M.A.Folk Arts
M.Phil Folk Arts
(Department of Theatre Arts)
M.A.Theatre Arts
M.Phil Theatre Arts
Diploma in Mimikri
Diploma in Padya Ntakam
P.G.Diploma in Theatre Arts
(Department of Sculpture and Painting)
B.F.A Sculpture & Painting
(Department of Culture and Tourism)
P.G.Diploma in Travel & Tourism (Telugu and English media)
Indian Management & Personality Development (Telugu and English Media)
of Language Development
(Department of Linguistics)
M.A. in Applied Linguistics
M.Phil in Linguistics
Ph.D in Linguistics
School of Social and Other Sciences
(Department of Communication & Journalism)
M.C.J (Integrated)
(Department of Jyotisha & Vasstu)
Certificate in Jyothisham
Diploma in Jyothisham
P.G.Diploma in Modern Architecture & Jyotirvaastu
Ph.d Jyothisham
School of Comparative Studies
(Department of Comparative Studies)
M.Phil in Comparative Literature
Ph.D in Comparative Literature
School of Literature
(Department of Telugu Literary Studies)
Ph.D Telugu
School of History, Culture and Archeology
M.Phil History, Culture & Archeology (Full Time)
M.Phil History, Culture & Archeology (Part Time)
Ph.D History
School of Folk and Tribal Lore
Ph.D in Folk & Tribal Lore
Sri Siddhendra Yogi Kala Pitham
M.A Kuchipudi Nrityam
Diploma in Kuchipudi Nrityam
Diploma in Yakshaganam
Certificate in Kuchipudi Nrityam
Certificate in Karnatic Music
Centre of distance education
B.A. Dance
B.A Music
B.A Special Telugu
M.A Telugu
M.A.E.L.T (English Language Teaching) (English Media)
M.A Astrology (Jyothisham) (Telugu/English Media)
M.A. Sanskrit (Telugu/English/ Sanskrit Media)
M.A. Tourism Management (Telgugu/ English Media)
M.C.J (Telegu media)
Diploma in Light Music
Diploma in Sanskrit
Diploma in Film Writing
P.G.Diploma in Lingustics and Telegu Teaching
P.G.Diploma in Folk Arts
Certficate coruses
Sangeetha Visharada (Telugu media)
Kalapraveshika in Folk Arts (Telugu media)
C.C.M.T (Certificate Course in Modern Telugu) - English Media